Jordan, Eric, and I have been hard at work on the onCurrent shirts for the upcoming launch party. We made the screen in our basement dark room and turned a table we found at salvage into a makeshift printing press. We’ve been using second hand shirts from goodwill to give each shirt it’s own character,… Continue reading
Look at me on my soapbox! No, but seriously, I made this for a video editing class, and because I’m not one to shout out my religious beliefs to everyone, let me explain why I would have made such a exclamation. We had one girl in the class that wanted us to know, that “GOD… Continue reading
I picked up a photography internship at Tipp-C magazine in West Lafayette. One of my first assignments was to shoot the 311 concert at Elliot Hall of Music. It was my first time to get an official press pass. 😀 [pe2-gallery album=”aHR0cDovL3BpY2FzYXdlYi5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RhdGEvZmVlZC9iYXNlL3VzZXIvMTA1MzQyODU3Njk2NDk4NzE1MDM4L2FsYnVtaWQvNTYyNDc3MTAwMDY1NTAzNDA4MT9hbHQ9cnNzJmFtcDtobD1lbl9VUyZraW5kPXBob3Rv”] Continue reading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit