work blog

  • NACS 2008 Trade Show Entertainment

    I was responsible for the booth entertainment this year, and so I DJ’ed the booth all three days and kept the vibe cool, collected and welcoming. We had one other booth complain about the noise, and several booths compliment on it, someone even asked for a CD, which was pretty cool. Didn’t get a chance…

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  • An Introduction to Red Devil

    An Introduction to Red Devil

    I put together this short introductory video for Red Devil Energy Drink for the 2007 NACS show in Atlanta.  Featuring the up beats of RJD2, I was able to create a personality for the Devil, and keep the high energy for all of our worldwide sponsor clips.

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  • Lady Joe Flyer Design

    Photoshop Sketchpad I made this flyer for a Lady Jo show in New York. Sketched the title and characters and scanned them into photoshop.

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  • A Week at the Lake

    A Week at the Lake

    A few years back a few friends and I made a trip out to our lake house in Lake Livingston, TX. It was a pretty great week, and one of the last times that entire group has been together, a truly special collection of moments. So to glorify a week of drinking by the lake,…

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  • Photos in Tipp-C

    Photos in Tipp-C

    During my time at Tipp-C as a photography/design intern, I was able to use a lot of my photography in the magazine, the few of us interns that worked their(Eric & Adam deserve a shout) would design the entire magazine in the weekend before going to press. Tipp-C was an interesting experience, but it was…

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  • Launch Party

    Our project,, just had it’s own launch party. We set up everything, got a stage, bands, power, sponsors, made shirts, painted a van with chalkboard paint, and guerilla marketed all over campus with a couple buckets of sidewalk chalk. A great turn out considering we didn’t know who would show. [pe2-gallery album=”aHR0cDovL3BpY2FzYXdlYi5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RhdGEvZmVlZC9iYXNlL3VzZXIvMTA1MzQyODU3Njk2NDk4NzE1MDM4L2FsYnVtaWQvNTcxODUyNzIzODM3ODIyMjQwMT9hbHQ9cnNzJmFtcDtobD1lbl9VUyZraW5kPXBob3Rv”]

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  • Shirts Shirts

    Jordan, Eric, and I have been hard at work on the onCurrent shirts for the upcoming launch party. We made the screen in our basement dark room and turned a table we found at salvage into a makeshift printing press. We’ve been using second hand shirts from goodwill to give each shirt it’s own character,…

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  • The Writing on the Wall

    The Writing on the Wall

    Look at me on my soapbox! No, but seriously, I made this for a video editing class, and because I’m not one to shout out my religious beliefs to everyone, let me explain why I would have made such a exclamation. We had one girl in the class that wanted us to know, that “GOD…

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  • 311 at Elliot Hall

    I picked up a photography internship at Tipp-C magazine in West Lafayette. One of my first assignments was to shoot the 311 concert at Elliot Hall of Music. It was my first time to get an official press pass. 😀 [pe2-gallery album=”aHR0cDovL3BpY2FzYXdlYi5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RhdGEvZmVlZC9iYXNlL3VzZXIvMTA1MzQyODU3Njk2NDk4NzE1MDM4L2FsYnVtaWQvNTYyNDc3MTAwMDY1NTAzNDA4MT9hbHQ9cnNzJmFtcDtobD1lbl9VUyZraW5kPXBob3Rv”]

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  • The Passion Reloaded

    The Passion Reloaded

    A short fan made trailer by me, Chris & Kurt, for a CGT class specializing in video compositing.  Chris did the 3d work, we all shot/edited/composited the final sequence, and I am jesus.  All and all, it was the most satisfying working experience I’ve ever been a part of, for some reason the three of…

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