work blog


    Launched the Limac International, LLC site this week for the international effort of the Limac Corporation. I built the site on wordpress 3, designed the layout and graphics, and built the theme on thematic.

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  • FunCity iPhone Icon

    I was contracted to design the Fun City iPhone icon.

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  • Millenium Disc Golf World Am Doubles Video

    Millenium Disc Golf World Am Doubles Video

    I assisted in the filming and editing of this video with Patrick Morrison and Zac Witte of 4320 Productions.  We camped out with the Millenium Disc Golf Crew for the weekend, and spent some time with some serious disc golfers.  I found the song on, it’s King Tut’s They’re All Just Happening

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  • Hello Hawk Music Video

    Hello Hawk Music Video

    Software Used Adobe Premiere Equipment Flip Video My friends in Hello Hawk asked for a music video. I had personally gone through a break up, and I felt it would be a fun way to show what happened and do this whole short story about my side of things and whatever else. But I changed…

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  • Live & Local Photography

    Some concert photography from some smaller local shows. [pe2-gallery album=”aHR0cDovL3BpY2FzYXdlYi5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RhdGEvZmVlZC9iYXNlL3VzZXIvMTA1MzQyODU3Njk2NDk4NzE1MDM4L2FsYnVtaWQvNTYyNDc3MTIwMTY4MzI1ODcwNT9hbHQ9cnNzJmFtcDtobD1lbl9VUyZraW5kPXBob3Rv”]

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  • Moving On and Out and Starting Something Somewhere Else

    And 2009 is finally over, was it a weird year for you too? With the welcoming of 2010, I have left my positions at Impulse One & 15 Rose, and have moved to Austin, TX.  A better opportunity had presented itself to me in the time of searching, and I couldn’t resist, in fact, an…

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  • Venice Skate Park Opening Day

    Dogtown now has a new park, opening day was a madhouse, but it was awesome to see how much this place meant to all the skaters in the area, they really respected the place and each other. It’s comforting to see how well people thrive when placed in an environment where they can be themselves,…

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  • LAbor Day @15Rose

    LAbor Day @15Rose

    I managed to shoot a bit of random footage throughout the day/night, and did remember to record at least one song all the way through, allowing me to make a music video of the event!  Reminded me of the lake video, and makes me think I should make more music videos of party footage, they’re…

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  • A Few Art Wall Panoramas

    One of the things that I consistently enjoy about living here in Venice is the art that is living around me. And one of the most dynamic and evolving pieces is the Venice Art Walls. These are a few panoramas I’ve put together, and I really liked how they turned out, photomerge in photoshop can…

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