
  • Under Snow

    Under Snow

    [flickr_set id=”72157638096622006″] It snowed a bit this winter, it’s fun to live in this postcard scenery. Continue reading

  • Shelton Interactive E-Commerce Site Build

    Shelton Interactive E-Commerce Site Build

    Latest build was for PigsandBricks.com.  I designed and built the site. The site features a full store which is run on woocommerce, and braintree integration is used for credit card processing. Features also included are the blog, testimonial widgets, custom pages, user submission for personal stories. The site also has a responsive design. Continue reading

  • Shelton Interactive Site Build

    Shelton Interactive Site Build

      Latest build for Shelton Interactive was for DuncanWorldwide.com. Site featured 5 custom post types and a custom blog with custom front page. Continue reading