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  • Shelton Interactive Site Build

    Shelton Interactive Site Build

    Latest build was for, site featured some responsiveness to handle the wide design on smaller screens, also featured a custom post type for the physicians section, and used the blog function for the Health News section. Design was provided by Shelton Interactive Designers, built the theme as a thematic child theme on wordpress. Continue reading

  • Shelton Interactive Site Build

    Shelton Interactive Site Build

    Latest build for Shelton Interactive was for Basic site, standard blog build with a few informational pages. Built on a child theme of thematic and wordpress with design provided by Shelton Interactive designers.   Continue reading

  • Shelton Interactive Site Build

    Shelton Interactive Site Build

      Latest build for Shelton Interactive was for This site featured custom post types for the Books, which was also used in conjuncture with custom widgets at the footer of several pages. Continue reading