We were accepted to Art Outside this year for our art project LZR.
The festival was one of the most positive and enjoyable experiences I’ve ever been to, or been a part of. It was like a festival for artists, by artists and with mostly artists in attendance. Everywhere you look you would see something else fantastical, and then meet the person who made it, and then you would have them come by later with the same fascination in whatever you’ve created. There was a great air of respect and openminded-ness that permeated the grounds during our three day stay. Something I won’t forget, and certainly something to look forward to next year.
I took some video and a few pictures while I was there, so here’s a small taste of what could be recorded. Click through to the youtube page for HD.
The parade saturday night
The Life-Sized Mousetap
Arc Attack performing the Star Spangled Banner
and Ciara Blossom with the fire hoop
Here’s a gallery of shots I managed to get while walking around, although pictures only show so much, it’s one of those things that you should check out for yourself.
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